I’d like to thank you for registering for our Home Run Trader Summit on Tuesday, September 15th, 2PM Eastern.

We created it to show you how Mark’s Home Run system has doubled readers’ money 243 times over the past 16 years, along with handing them 76% average annualized gains on all closed trades.

All thanks to big wins like these coming every 11 weeks:

  • 1,600% on AT&T 
  • 226% on Southern Peru Copper
  • 200% on Abbvie Inc.
  • 173% on Trinity Industries
  • 161% on Eldorado Gold Corp.
  • 152% on Zynga Inc.
  • 121% on Merck
  • 108% on ING Group

The secret to Mark’s success has been the three core values and seven Home Run profit catalysts that he’s employed to identify these breakout trades.

This is how he’s:

  • Doubled readers’ money 243 times,
  • Handed investors 124 double-digit winners,
  • Delivered average annualized gains of 76% per trade, 
  • And delivered average gains per options trade of 30%.  

This is also why readers pop the champagne bottles on nearly every one of our trades — even during these tough times.

I mention this not to boast, but only to give you some background on the effectiveness of Mark’s investing and trading systems.

That’s why I can’t wait to share Mark Skousen’s Home Run Trader system with you. It’s proven itself not only over the past 16 years, but also during the past few months — directly in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

Our 2020 year-to-date results speak for themselves…

Quidel Corporation, up 928% in 52 days:6

Delta Airlines, up 263% in 37 days:

Enterprise Products Partners, up 124% in 52 days:
Accelerate Diagnostics, up 111% in 41 days:

To help you prepare for the Summit, I created this short sneak preview. That way you’ll be able to hit the ground running on Tuesday and bank your first profit within the next few weeks. 

Here are Mark’s three core values that form the foundation of his system. That way you’ll have a better understanding of why his system is so profitable and so accurate. 

First, we believe the opportunities to profit in the short term can help you build wealth over the long term. The fact is, you’ll find many more opportunities in the short term than you ever will in the long term. You need only look at how the markets rise and fall daily. Mark’s mission at Home Run Trader is to profit from those swings and then multiply those profits. The results can help you build your wealth faster than a simple buy-and-hold strategy. 

Second, we believe that volatility is — and always has been — the master key to profitable stock and options trading. Volatility may be a buy-and-hold investor’s worst enemy, but it’s our best friend. Mark’s 16-year track record of delivering 76% annualized returns is proof beyond a doubt that you can maximize your profits by trading in and out of short-term opportunities as the market bounces up and down over and over and over again. 

Third, we believe there’s no substitute for solid research and time-proven expertise. Your future is too important to leave to guesswork. Mark’s system, consisting of seven Home Run profit catalysts, looks at everything from revenue growth and analyst upgrades to heavy insider buying — spotting both the GREEN LIGHTS and the RED FLAGS that most investors miss. His documented 243 money-doubling wins over 16 years prove beyond a doubt there is no better or safer method to winning in the markets than research

If you share these core values, you’re going to love the Home Run Trader Summit, because Mark and I will be breaking down Mark’s trades, sharing his newest winners, and teaching you how you can spot these opportunities with one glance.

If, at the end of our Summit, you like Mark’s approach, we’ll even give you a $1,000 cash credit towards your first trade with Mark. All you have to do is tune in to this event, and you’ll get all the details.

Tomorrow, I’ll share Mark’s seven Home Run profit catalysts, so you can capture the kind of money-doubling profits our members have had the chance to get for over 16 years. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to email us at HomeRunTraderSummit@MarkSkousen.com and we’ll get back to you.

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