Before you join us on Tuesday, September 15th, at 2PM Eastern, I wanted to share Mark’s incredible track record for making his reader rich. That way you’ll have a better understanding of why his Home Run trading system is so accurate and profitable.

Let me begin with his background.

First, and foremost, Mark not only holds a PhD in economics, he’s worked as a CIA analyst — where he learned how the big money is made on Wall Street. He has parlayed that knowledge into one of the most successful trading advisories on the planet.

If Mark’s name sounds familiar, it may be because Steve Forbes said “Mark Skousen should get the Nobel Prize in economics.”

Or you may have read one of his 25 best-selling investment books, including Investing in One Lesson, The New Scrooge Investing, The Maxims of Wall Street, and The Making of Modern Economics

Or you may have seen Mark on ABC, CNN, or the Fox News Channel, or as a regular contributor to CNBC’s Larry Kudlow & Company before Larry became the White House chief economic advisor.

But if there’s one reason the financial media seek him out, it’s because his forecasts and trades are amazingly accurate. When these interviewers have asked him the secret to his success, his answer is simple: research. 
As one of the world’s leading financial publishers, I can tell you that no other analyst I know of spends as much money on stock research as he does. Nor do any others put their trades through as large a battery of tests and simulations as he does. This is why, in my opinion, he has hit more home runs than virtually every other trader. 

In fact, his trades have been so on target that he has:

  • Doubled readers’ money 243 times,
  • Handed investors 124 double-digit winners,
  • Delivered average annualized gains of 76% per trade, 
  • And delivered average gains per options trade of 30%.  

In fact, he’s been so right on the money, the U.S. government uses his work on Gross Output as a new economic indicator to measure the overall output of our economy. It’s the only time in the past 50 years that the government has added a new indicator like this.

This is why Mark has been named one of the “Top 20 Living Economists” in the world today.

Here are just a few examples of his spot-on forecasts and winning trades.

Not only did Mark…

  • Call the 1987 stock market crash six weeks before it hit;

He also…

  • Predicted the Nasdaq would quadruple in the 1990s… and it did, running from 750 to over 3,000;

On top of that, he was the only advisor I know of to…

  • Forecast the beginning of our most recent bull market in 2009 — during the depths of the recession, correctly declaring the market would rise from 6,600 and hit 10,000.

Along the way, hundreds of his trades have simply knocked it out of the park…  

  • 426% on Canopy Growth
  • 351% on Advanced Micro Devices
  • 252% on Penn Virginia Corp.
  • 180% on InterDigital Wireless, Inc.
  • 180% on Applied Materials

That’s why I can’t wait to introduce you to him during our Home Run Trader Summit.

During your time together, you’ll learn the same secrets he used to double readers’ money 243 times over the past 16 years, including how to:

  • Identify winning stock and option trades with one glance…
  • Use options to multiply your gains…
  • Time your trades to maximize your profits… 
  • Grab money-doubling gains every 60 days…
  • Retire richer and quicker by investing less money…
  • And live richer in retirement than you do now… 

Here’s the best part:

You’ll find it doesn’t matter if you’ve never traded a stock or option before. You’ll find his secrets ridiculously easy to follow, with three clicks of a mouse to make them.

I guarantee you’re going to love it!

So be sure to look for your email reminders. The event is free, and there is no obligation to buy a thing.

REMEMBER: Just for attending, you’ll get a $1,000 cash credit toward your first trade with Mark. All you have to do is tune in to this event, and you’ll get all the details.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. If you have any questions for us in the meantime, email them to and we’ll get back to you.

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